Friday, 6 May 2011

Lashings in Dublin!

GalateaPosted by Galatea

Gratuitous Photo Post today, as the greater proportion of the Lashings bloggers are currently frolicking around Dublin, spreading love and joy and lashings of queerness wherever they go.

What am I talking about? From Monday 2nd - Saturday 7th May, Lashings is at the International Dublin Gay Theatre Festival. I was lucky enough to be able to go for the first two days, and it was a wonderful time! We met so many friendly, politically-enaged and generally awesome burlesquers and queerfolk (and got to re-meet the gorgeous and seriously talented Emily Aoibheann whose acquaintaince we made in Oxford last year), had lovely audiences and saw some amazing LGBTQ theatre.

Directly after Lashings at the Cobalt this week is an unmissable one-woman play, 'Funny in the Head' by Jan Derbyshire. She presents a quite frankly awe-inspiringly realistic depiction of what it is like to live with bipolar disorder in an affecting, compelling, witty and captivating monologue.

Other shows we've sampled include the hilarious, polished (and HOT) 'The Adventures of Buttboy and Tigger' and 'Giselle, or, I'm too Horny to be a Prince'.

So, on to the pictures! When we heard that we'd be performing at a place called the Cobalt Cafe, we were prepared for your standard small-coffeehouse performance venue... imagine our collective surprise when instead, this turned out to be an amazing undercover cafe operation run out of the downstairs of a ridiculously beautiful Georgian house brimming over with art and antiques. On more than one occasion, I found myself almost involuntarily looking around for Uncle Monty...

Our shows so far have been amazing, with lovely audiences and lots of lots of Lashy fun. Here's our wonderful first night review to prove it... and here are Lilka, Sebastienne and Dr Carmilla practicing being Disney princesses, with Florestan on the gorgeous grand piano!

Much mighty postering and flyering was done:

We also made it to the IDGTF launch party, where a fabulous time was had by all:

Perhaps most excitngly of all: WE WERE ON TV!! As part of Dublin Community Television's coverage of the Festival, Sebastienne and I were filmed doing 'Dead Girlfriend' and shown all over the city... and now YOU can watch it too! Hooray, dead lesbian stereotypes for everyone!

... And finally, just because it's a ridiculously cute picture... how *do* you fit eight Lashers, six suitcases, three corsets and a riding crop into a taxi? Photographic evidence that it can be done!

So if you're in Dublin, get yourself to the Cobalt Cafe (16 North Great Georges St Dublin 1) at 8pm between now and Saturday! If you're not, watch this space for more news of future Lashings gigs soon...


  1. I am very jealous of the fun times and excited for you. And OVERJOYED that there is *finally* a recording of you doing Dead Gf. I love all the versions of this song but for me there is something quite special about the Sebastienne and Gala combo. Love it.
