Welcome to the second weekly Lashings links round up! Feel free to add your own links in the comments, with a brief description and trigger warnings if appropriate.
Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month. This site gives details of events in London. See also
Oxford International Women's Festival for events in Oxford
Platform 51 mental health campaign
Oxford-based women's charity Platform 51 (previously YWCA England & Wales) have launched a new campaign about women and mental health.
The Spirella Corsetiere
A brief history of corset manufacture and sales in the 20th Century
Roll-call of genderswitched Harry Potter characters (one for the Sci Fi Skit fans!)
"Radical Act is a documentary on women in rock. Made in 1995 the film screened at Outfest in Los Angeles and appeared in 1999 as part of Miranda July’s “Break My Chainletter” collection.
The film is both a celebration of some of our favorite rockers and how they came to be that way, as well as snapshot of a specific time in political history. Each woman addresses how politicization of sexual and gender identity has impacted their life and work."
Tech support - via Bitch magazine
This is an absolutely adorable love story. Mildly NSFW.
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