Welcome to the weekly Lashings links round up! Feel free to add your own links in the comments, with a brief description and trigger warnings if appropriate.
Gay Marine's husband surprised at respect shown by Naval Academy. This is incredibly lovely, if also very sad.
Your Legs Came for Free, Why Don't My Wheels? An interesting article on the cost of obtaining a wheelchair in the UK.
On the webcomics front: Rooster Tales: Words and Pictures from a NZ Transboy
Fat People Art does what it says on the tin. Beautiful artwork featuring fat people.
An old essay, recently reposted at Shakesville: The Terrible Bargain We Have Regretfully Struck.
There are the jokes about women, about wives, about mothers, about raising daughters, about female bosses. They are told in my presence by men who are meant to care about me, just to get a rise out of me, as though I am meant to find funny a reminder of my second-class status. I am meant to ignore that this is a bullying tactic, that the men telling these jokes derive their amusement specifically from knowing they upset me, piss me off, hurt me. They tell them and I can laugh, and they can thus feel superior, or I can not laugh, and they can thus feel superior. Heads they win, tails I lose. I am used as a prop in an ongoing game of patriarchal posturing, and then I am meant to believe it is true when some of the men who enjoy this sport, in which I am their pawn, tell me, "I love you."It still rings incredibly, painfully true.
Both of these are quite US-centric, but:
* New York Times blog post on How to Help Japan
* Listing for InterAction members accepting donations for earthquake/tsunami relief [link updated 29/10/13 on request]
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