Posted by Lashings of Ginger Beer
This week in Oxford - Vagina Monologues at the Old Fire Station. All proceeds to Oxford Sexual Abuse and Rape Crisis Centre.
SarahLizzy - Aggressive Secular Workplace Discrimination? - UK equality legislation outlaws discrimination based on nine "protected characteristics", but what happens when two of these appear to conflict?
Dystopian feminist science-fiction by Amanda Ching: ILU-486. Author summary: In the not-so-distant future of Virginia, the Personhood Act has outlawed abortion and chemical birth control. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, though...
Fascinating article by Clarisse Thorne about pick-up artist culture in relation to feminism and BDSM - trigger warnings for rampant misogyny, possible sexual assault.
8 Stupidest Defences against charges of sexism in comics - includes questionable assertion about how 'being a straight male is tremendous fun and sexuality's lowest difficulty setting', but otherwise makes some really interesting points.